So, I'd like you all to meet Terri. She is a gator that lives in the lagoon along with many others just at the end of our island, less then a mile from our apartment. There's a group of young men, we call "the thugs" that took a liking to her and have been feeding her for 3 years for all the tourists to see. Now, I've never seen a gator before, but I can tell you I knew it was not normal to see people feeding them, petting them and yes, one even kissed Terri! At one point, I'm standing near the edge of the sand, and I see 4 gators right around me. It was pretty crazy. I'd like to refer you to Alison's website for more on the story of the 'thugs' and the alligators. I'd go into more detail, but Alison tells such a great story, and I could not do it justice! Just click on her blog in the right corner of the screen.
The four of us are leaving tomorrow (Friday) and heading to Mexico City. We arrive Sunday afternoon and will be there for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe! We are very excited to make this pilgrimage together after working here the past few months. We will be praying for all of you! Next Thursday we head home for the holidays! I pray that you all have a Blessed rest of Advent and that your Christmas is a Merry one!!!
Enjoy the pictures!
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